Bloodstock 2008 Calendar What better way to see in the New Year than with our Bloodstock 2008 calendar? Containing twelve full colour cards in a CD-sized clear plastic holder, the calendar will grace the desk of even the most discerning metaller. Featuring Bloodstock artwork created over the years by our very own Paul Raymond Gregory, it’s a year-round reminder of the UK’s premier independent metal festival and the perfect way to count off the days til our biggest event to date: BOA 2008.
At just £7.00 plus P, it’ll make an ideal stocking filler too!
There are Only 10 Days Left until next years Tickets go up to £85 Each !!
Tickets for Bloodstock Open Air 2008 are currently on sale and you still have until December 15th to take advantage of our massive pre-Christmas discount which holds tickets at just £61 each. Tickets purchased after this date will be priced at £85, so early bird buyers will save a massive £24!
More band announcements coming within the next few days !!
Bloodstock Team